Monday, August 10, 2009

Culture Shock

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When people travel or study in other countries, they have confused, surprised, and offended feelings because of the culture shock. First, eating styles cause the culture shock. For example, people have different tastes of food and cooking style; moreover, people in UK usually eat junk food, like pizza, sandwiches etc. As a result, international students should eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. A second cause of the culture shock may be language. Learning a new language is tiring for people. For example, people will miss their mother tongue when they learn the second language. In addition, English pronunciation in the UK and other countries’ pronunciation differ; therefore, people found difficult to understand and disconcerted to ask them to say again what they have said. Finally, native behaviors cause the culture shock. Every country has their native behavior that is unspoken rules. For example, it is important that people in the UK should attend meetings on time, such as business meetings, academic lectures. If you will be late to attend meetings, you must tell your partner. Furthermore, making an appointment to watch movie at 8pm means arriving at 8pm; however, to visit other people’s home people should be late 10 minutes but not over 20 minutes. To sum up, if people pay attention to the culture, they won’t feel confused, surprised and offended.

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